Board of Directors Information

A Habitat for Humanity - DeKalb Board Member serves as a fiduciary steering the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission. Every member on the Board of Directors is responsible for driving results, advocating for mission practices and bringing additional organizational support to achieve the goals outlined in the strategic plan. The position requires a desire to collaborate and the capacity to lead and influence HFHD at the highest level.

If after reading the job description and onboarding process, you would like to learn more about getting involved email Executive Director, Sharon Steele.

General Expectations - Job Description

Prospective and incumbent Board members should commit themselves to:

  • Serve in a leadership position or undertake special assignments, when asked, and meet attendance requirements.
  • Suggest nominees to the Board who are clearly women and men of achievement and distinction and who can make significant contributions to the work of the Board and the organization.
  • Provide financial oversight and strategic direction and ensure adherence to by-laws.
  • Follow trends in the HFHD’s field of interest.
  • Support the organization financially and participate in fundraising efforts.
  • Prepare for and participate in board and committee meetings, asking timely and substantive questions, maintaining confidentiality, and speaking for the board when authorized to do so.
  • Counsel the Executive Director as appropriate to offer support in his or her own difficult relationships with groups or individuals.
  • Bring a sense of humor to the board’s deliberations.

Financial Support

In fiscal year 2020, all board members supported Habitat for Humanity DeKalb financially and made significant investments of time in governing the organization, generating resources, and providing financial oversight. There is a give/get expectation associated with service on the board to achieve 100% board giving. This is comprised of a minimum personal contribution of $1,000 and an additional $1,000 in secured funding from the community ($2,000 total). For new members, it is expected that half of the personal commitment ($500) is contributed within 30 days after being voted onto the Board.

Time Investment

Each board member serves a term of three consecutive fiscal years, with renewal opportunities for additional service. Board activities demand an average of 5-6 hours of volunteerism per month (meetings and representation at events, construction builds and affiliate-related community functions).


Each board member annually signs a Board Member Agreement and Expectation Guidelines document, as well as a Conflict of Interest form.

Three Legal Duties

Duty of Care: Directors and officers must perform their responsibilities in good faith and with the same care an ordinary person would use in managing his/her own affairs.

Duty of Loyalty: Directors and officers must act in good faith and in a manner, which does not harm the organization to the benefit of the director or officer. Avoid any conflicts of interest or appearances of impropriety.

Duty of Obedience: Directors and officers must comply with the provisions of the articles of incorporation, bylaws, and state laws, and should safeguard Habitat's mission and Christian witness.


Vetting Process:

  • Attend at least 2 board meetings as a guest prior to formal nomination and vote.
    • Encouraged to attend the pre-meeting social to get to know members (post-COVID).
    • Meet Executive Director and a current board member for lunch (Online or in person post-COVID).
  • Attend one full build day with a current board member prior to formal nomination and vote (post-COVID).

Onboarding Period: 

  • Visit (1-hour min.) at least one build site during initial 30-days bringing greetings from the board, thank volunteers, recruit, etc...
  • Contribute at least half of give/get during initial 30-days as board member.
  • Courses on Habitat Learns: .These sessions trace the origin of HFH with much of the story told thru videos of Millard and Linda Fuller themselves.Board member must first register for an account, then under Habitat for Humanity Topics follow the path below:
    ·         Foundations·         Lead the Mission – Knowing the Organization-Foundations Orientation-The Beginnings of Habitat-The Vision and Mission of Habitat for Humanity