Meet Mr. William
William is happy living in Dekalb County. William was born in January of 1951, in St. Louis, MO as the youngest of four children. He was educated in the public school system of East. St. Louis and was a graduate of Lincoln High School where he was a good student. William went on to attend Southern Illinois University (SIU) where he earned the BA degree in Administration of Justice. He later earned a master’s degree in Educational Psychology. He worked for the Chicago Division of Vocational Rehabilitation for 5 years.
He later joined the staff of the Jackson Prison Mental Health Unit and helped hundreds of prisoners get back on the right track. He has four children and has lived in Chicago, Oklahoma, and other places, but likes Georgia the most.
William was determined disabled after a hip replacement surgery in 2013. He soon after retired where he spends his time being creative as a collage artist. He is a member of Omega Psi Phi 1971 Tau Gamma Chapter from SIU and helps in the community whenever he can.
These repairs will benefit him tremendously and will help him get around the house better.
We have identified several critical home repairs that will allow William Chandler to age in place safely at their home. Here are a few:
- Install new HVAC unit
- Replace gutters
- Install guard rails on front porch
- Install front porch light
- Replace handicap ramp
- Raise front concrete steps
- Install new railing on front porch