Sharing Holiday Traditions
In the spirit of the holiday season, we wanted to share some traditions that some of us have during this time of year. We’d love to hear what yours are in the comments below 👇👇👇

Jasmine, Office Manager
“My family gets together each year to make gingerbread houses and compete on who build the best house. These houses are made from Graham Crackers not the premade house you can get out the store. It does not have to be a house but what every you want to create. We typically post on social media to get votes and the most votes win for the year and have bragging rights all year.”

Sharon, Executive Director
“My tradition is providing Rum Cakes as gifts to my neighbors and close friends.   I love to bake and it started with making around 5 cakes about over a decade ago and has morphed into 30 or more cakes that are gifted and/or sold.”

Shelley, Board Member
“We designate one night as ‘Grinch’ night. We watch a version of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas movie, we work on a Grinch jigsaw puzzle, and we eat green treats. That works for my little kids right now, but I can see fun add-ons like dressing up, doing Grinch-style gifts or writing funny poems to share in the future!”

Thomas, Board Member
“One thing that marks the season for my family is building a roaring fire in the fireplace. The kids look forward to it, and they actually put the electronics down and want to be in the same room with us old folks when the fire is going. Sometimes we’ll roast marshmallows (nut allergy, so no chestnuts) and make smores. We watch a holiday movie (The Polar Express and Home Alone are favorites) or play a game as a family, and my job is to keep the fire going. This is something that I think will be a fond memory for the kids as they grow older, and certainly something Erika and I will remember when the kids leave the nest and are too cool to hang with us. While I know that wood-burning fireplaces like ours are one of the less safe, healthy and environmentally friendly options, there’s nothing like a crackling fire to get my family in the holiday spirit.”
What is your favorite holiday tradition? Lets us know in the comment section below 👇👇👇.