Grant award from Southface!

We are so grateful that we are officially a GoodUse grantee! Thanks to our partnership with Southface, we can upgrade our facility with efficiency improvements, reduce utility costs and reinvest those savings into our mission.

What is Southface and what is GoodUse?

Southface Institute, headquarted in Atlanta, GA, is a sustainable building nonprofit that strengthens equity and the environment by transforming residential and commercial structures at every stage of the building life cycle. Since 1978, Southface has collaborated with other nonprofits, businesses, builders, developers, universities, government agencies, and communities to deliver practical solutions with tangible results for the planet and all its inhabitants. 

GoodUse is a program designed to help nonprofits reduce utility costs and reinvest those savings into their programs. Because nonprofits are focused on programs and the people they serve, often operating on a smaller budgets, they frequently occupy older buildings that waste energy, water and other resources, pulling money away from mission-critical services. Nonprofit buildings contribute approximately 20% of our primary energy consumption in the United States, but the capacity for savings in their facilities, both financially and environmentally, is tremendous. By reducing operating costs, GoodUse builds capacity within partner organizations so nonprofits can focus on their mission and better serve their communities.